
Eileen Crist’s articles, listed chronologically, can be perused or downloaded here.

Most Recent

Nandita Bajaj, Eileen Crist, and Kristen Stade (2024). "Confronting the United Nations' pro-growth agenda: A call to reverse overshoot." Population and Sustainability. 8(2).  Pop_and_Sustainability_Journal_Vol.8_No.2_2024.indd

Book Chapters

Animals, in The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Anthropocene, J. Parham ed., Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 196-210.

COVID-19, the Industrial Food System, and Inclusive Justice in The New Possible: Visions of our World Beyond Crisis, P. Clayton et al. eds., Cascade Books, 2021.

Let Earth Rebound! Conservation’s New Imperative. In Kopnina H and Washington H. eds. 2020. Conservation: Integrating Social and Ecological Justice. Springer.

I Walk in the World to Love It. In Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation, George Wuerthner and Eileen Crist, eds. Foundation for Deep Ecology and Island Press, 2015.

Choosing a Planet of Life. Afterword of Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot, Tom Butler, ed. Foundation for Deep Ecology and Goff Books, 2015.
Unsettling Anthropocentrism, with Helen Kopnina. In Dialectical Anthropology 28 (2014): 387-396.

Ptolemaic Environmentalism. In Keeping the Wild: Against the Domestication of Earth, George Wuerthner and Eileen Crist, eds. Foundation for Deep Ecology and Island Press, 2014.

Ecocide and the extinction of animal minds. In Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Compassionate Conservation, Marc Bekoff, ed. Chicago University Press, 2013.

Abundant Earth and the population question. In Life on the Brink: Environmentalists Confront Overpopulation, Philip Cafaro and Eileen Crist, eds. University of Georgia Press, 2012.

Intimations of Gaia. In Gaia in Turmoil, Eileen Crist and H. Bruce Rinker, eds. MIT Press, 2009.

One grand organic whole. (Co-authored with H. Bruce Rinker.) Introduction to Gaia in Turmoil.

Cloning in restorative perspective. In Restoration and History: The Search for a Usable Environmental Past, Marcus Hall, ed. Rutgers University Press, 2008.

Against the social construction of nature and wilderness. In The Wilderness Debate Rages On, Volume II, Michael Nelson and J. Baird Callicott, eds. University of Georgia Press, 2008. (Reprinted from Environmental Ethics.)

Concerned with trifles? A geophysiological reading of Charles Darwin’s last book. In Scientists on Gaia: The New Century, Steve Schneider, Jim Miller, Eileen Crist, and Penelope Boston, eds. MIT Press, 2004.

The inner life of earthworms: Darwin’s argument and its implications, in The Cognitive Animal, Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen, and Gordon Burghardt, eds. MIT Press, 2002.

Journal and Website Articles

Earth at risk: An urgent call to end the age of destruction and forge a just and sustainable future. PNAS Nexus 2024 (3): 1-20.

Witnessing Mass Extinction, Biological Conservation (2022): 109696.

Less is More, response essay for GTI forum on "The Population Debate Revisited," Great Transition Initiative (August 2022), reposted on Resilience

Solidarity with Animals, opening essay for a GTI Forum, Great Transition Initiative (February 2023)

Solidarity with Animals: Response to Comments, GTI Forum, Great Transition Initiative (February 2023)

Scientists’ Warning on Population, coauthored with William Ripple, Paul Ehrlich, William Rees, and Christopher Wolf. Science of the Total Environment 845 (2022): 157 1666

In Defense of Protection. Featured essay in the Great Transition Initiative forum: Conservation at the Crossroads

Protecting Half the Planet and Transforming Human Systems are Complementary Goals, Crist et al., Frontiers in Conservation Science, Volume 2, Article 761292, 2021.

Got Nitrogen? On the links between nitrogen pollution and overpopulation, The Ecological Citizen 5(1): 3-10, 2021.

WITNESS: Order Sirenia, The Ecological Citizen 5(1): 37-42, 2021.

Human Population, Social Justice, and Climate Policy, Sustainability Science, C. Wolf et al., 2021.

Suffer the Animals, The Ecological Citizen, Editorial, 4(2): 101-102, 2021.

Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future, by C. Bradshaw et al., Frontiers in Conservation Science, January 2021.

For Cosmopolitan Bioregionalism, The Ecological Citizen 3 (Suppl C), 2020.

Restoring the Living Ocean: the Time is Now, The Ecological Citizen 3 (Suppl A), 2019

Decoupling the global population problem from immigration issues, The Ecological Citizen, Volume 2, number 2, 2019.

Reimagining the Human, Perspective. Science 362: 1242-1244, 14 December 2018.

World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice BioScience December 2017 / Vol. 67 No. 12

The interaction of human population, food production, and biodiversity protection Science 356, 260–264 (2017)

An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm. BioScience Eric Dinerstein et al. (2017).

The Legacy of Doug Tompkins The Trumpeter, Volume 32, No. 1 (2016)

The Reaches of Freedom. Environmental Humanities, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 245-254

On the Poverty of Our Nomenclature, Environmental Humanities (3): 129-147, 2013.

Beyond climate change: a critique of climate change discourse, Telos 141:29-55, 2007.

Walking on my page’: intimacy and insight in Len Howard’s cottage of birds, Social Science Information 45(2):179-208, 2006.

Rediscovering the king of woodpeckers: exploring the implications, Avian Conservation and Ecology 1(1): 6, 2006.

Can an insect speak?  The case of the honeybee dance language, Social Studies of Science 34(1):7-43, 2004.

Against the social construction of nature and wilderness, Environmental Ethics 26(1):5-24, 2004. [provide no link]

Serpentes—the ultimate other, Wild Earth Summer/Fall 2003.

Limits-to-growth and the biodiversity crisis, Wild Earth Spring 2003.

Quantifying the biodiversity crisis, Wild Earth Spring 2001.

The ethological constitution of animals as natural objects: the writings of Konrad Lorenz and Nikolaas Tinbergen, Biology and Philosophy 13:61-102, 1998.

From questions to stimuli, from answers to reactions: the case of Clever Hans, Semiotica 113(1/2):1-42, 1997.

Naturalists’ portrayals of animal life: engaging the Verstehen approach, Social Studies of Science 26:799-838, 1996.

Darwin’s anthropomorphism: an argument for animal-human continuity, Advances in Human Ecology 5:33-83, 1994.